Channel 4 Lockable Box – An Appearance For Our Lockabox One

Channel 4 lockable box | food storage box

Last night our lockable food storage box hit your screens as part of the Channel 4 show “How to Keep a Healthy Weight” hosted by Dr Michael Mosley. The show aims to burst some of the most common myths and misconceptions around calories and healthy weight management.   During the show Dr Micheal helps five volunteers…

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Why Our Personal Safe is a Must-Have When Working From Home

Lockabox one crytsal with phones and tech locked away on desk

Why do you need a personal safe, to have your very own desk locker? Well, Coronavirus has changed every aspect of our normal working life and the routine that came with it, with many of us now finding ourselves working from home. Working from home is at times difficult for everyone, this has only been…

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Decluttering Your Fridge with Our Lockable Food Container!

Crystal Lockabox one in fridge containing chocolate and sweets

When was the last time you had a fridge declutter? If the thought of this chore fills you with dread it is probably about time you got those cleaning cloths out and gave your fridge some TLC! Here are our top tips and how our lockable food storage container can help… We’ve all been there,…

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Our Medication Safe Box Can Help Care for Elderly Relatives at Home

Mum and daughter hugging in the family home

Caring for an elderly relative at home although rewarding can be a hugely difficult task. This has been exacerbated by the Coronavirus pandemic and in particular the Lockdowns. The current situation means we are spending more time in our homes than ever before and that many of us are having to juggle multiple needs within…

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Lockabox Creating Positive Change

Locked Storage box for positive change | treat box or phone detox

We all need some positivity going into 2021 after the difficult and unprecedented times that 2020 brought. Here at Lockabox we can help you to create positive changes. The Lockabox One is highly versatile due to its simple yet premium quality design. This versatility allows the Lockbox One to be used for an array of…

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Lockabox: The Must-Have Fridge Safe

Crystal fridge safe with combination lock in fridge

We have all experienced going to the fridge to grab that snack you have fancied all day and boom…it’s gone! Let’s be honest, the fury is unimaginable. Do you have mice? Ones that are particularly drawn to Dairy Milk Chocolate…Unlikely! What is more likely is that you have a fridge raider, someone who despite all…

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