Dec 9, 2020
Why Our Lockabox One is a Must-Have This Christmas

Everyone needs a Lockabox One in their ho-ho-home this Christmas!
2020 has been a year of uncertainty and undoubtedly difficult times. With Father Christmas in a mask, no board games, and cancelled office parties, the lockdown has made us re-evaluate what we are really asking for from Father Christmas. We are suggesting you shake up the traditional Christmas gifts with our unconventional stocking filler – the Lockabox One (Lockabox One™ Crystal), a storage box with lock, which is both practical and stylish! We promise this combination lock box will be calling your name…
So why do you need a Lockabox One?
1. Keeping your newly gifted presents safe!
With more people working from home ….Our storage box with lock can guarantee your new luxury perfume isn’t going to get secretly nabbed by your teenage daughter or that your son isn’t going to help himself to your bottle of gin. Our coded lockbox allows you to keep your gifted items secure from prying hands and provides a safe haven for those special Christmas gifts. Whether it is your food or skincare you want to protect, our combination lock box is a must-have for those who just don’t want to share this Christmas!
2. Keeping snacks and alcohol secure until Christmas day
We all know the temptation of eating all the celebrations before Christmas Day..or watching Strictly Come Dancing on a Saturday and considering opening that nice bottle of wine you were ‘saving’ for Christmas Day. Well, we can help, our coded lockbox provides a safe place for all your Christmas snacks to be placed so there is no temptation of tucking in before the big day (I mean no one wants to go Christmas shopping twice!). They are also a life-saver for families with teenage children who just don’t understand the concept of waiting – if finding empty packets of food you were planning to save for Christmas sounds familiar – you need a Lockabox One, think of it as your very own fridge safe!
3. Limiting screen time on the big day
Family time has been few and far between this year due to the everlasting restrictions. Devices can often feel like the bain of our lives as parents and a battle we just do not want to fight on Christmas Day. So, why not enhance the quality time this year and put all your devices in our secure box for a designated time, perhaps whilst you play games (sorry, I mean quiz!) or are enjoying your Christmas dinner. Our lockable box acts as a device locker and takes away the temptation of just checking your phone (and ending up scrolling for hours..). Devices can even be charged whilst in the Lockabox One and it is cleverly designed to ensure wireless signal is not restricted whilst the devices are inside the box. No excuses to be on your phones (Thanks us later!).
4. Keeping Christmas treats safe from your pets
Whether it is their treats or yours you want to protect, anyone who has a pet knows they can reach even the most well-hidden treats. With more treats around the house due to irresistible selection boxes and a good chance, you have bought them their very own stocking, an extra level of protection can make life a lot easier. Our lockable storage boxes are secure due to their three-digit combination code and durable polycarbonate construction. We are confident even the cleverest of pets couldn’t crack the code of this combination lock box!
Make life easier this Christmas
With lockdown coming to an end and family time approaching over this festive period, our Lockabox One really is a must-have product for the whole family. We guarantee it will make this well needed festive period easier for everyone by creating clear boundaries (even if it is for the cat!).
Box clever
Our secret weapon is our patented clam-shell design (which gives the Lockabox its strength) combined with tough polycarbonate, and the best British manufacturing that doesn’t use glue and is BPA safe.