Mar 18, 2022
Meet the Lockabox Team | Rory Fitz-Gerald

Operations Specialist
Joined the business in February 2021
Rory is our Operations Specialist here at Lockabox, his role is to oversee our Ops department, handling everything from Lockabox manufacture to transport, storage and fulfilment. We’ve asked Rory to answer some questions about his role and personality to let you get to know him a little better!
What does a typical day look like for you?
I roll out of bed and walk the 103 steps from my house to work (yes, I have counted!), usually with breakfast in hand. I then settle in for a day of managing our stock levels & transfers, order management and operational ‘stuff’. Everyday is different (part of the charm), but mornings tend to be filled with more routine everyday kind of things, with afternoons being more project work heavy. A lot of my role is to cover all eventualities but also to be quick to react when something unexpected happens. Come 5 o’clock I retrace the 103 steps home, and usually end up playing video games with mates after dinner until bed calls.
The best and worst parts of your job
The best part is being in a business where you know you are really making an impact, not just being another cog in the machine.
The worst part is trying to manage all the ongoing supply chain issues, whilst maintaining the cost efficiencies of the business, with all that’s going on in the world at the moment – it is a challenge to say the least!
What do you use your Lockabox for?
I have three made into a side table at home, a bit of extra furniture! It also helps me to keep all my spare cables and all the random bits and bobs that usually end up stuffed in a chaos drawer.
Where do you hope to see Lockabox in 3 years?
Everywhere! A warehouse in the Bahamas needs visiting? I’ll take one for the team…
What’s the biggest lesson you have learnt since starting in the business?
It’s almost always better to take a step back, think about the problem, then attack it – not dive straight in.
What is your proudest achievement at Lockabox?
Project managing the development and implementation of a global inventory management system, and just generally streamlining our systems to make us as efficient as we can be with the assets we have.
Now a bit about you…
What do you enjoy doing most outside of work?
Gaming, walking and a cheeky pint with mates (aka Eden and Alex).
What’s your star sign? Which attribute is most true to you?
Cancer. The team says caring, but I am far from a horoscope kind of person.
One piece of advice you wish you could go back and tell yourself?
‘You won’t get taller, you will get fatter, but you stay just as funny – so crack on.’ (…jokes, probably just the lottery numbers!).
What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?
A hammock and some music
If you could choose your last ever meal, three courses, what would it be?
Starter – A mountain of halloumi fries… or a GOOD scotch egg.
Main – A Christmas dinner with ALL the trimmings.
Dessert – Sticky toffee pudding with vanilla ice cream.
Drink – A nice pint of Devon cider
What animal would you consider your spirit animal?
Some kind of bear – as much as I’d love to say a big Brown Bear, a Koala is probably more apt.
Two truths and a lie
I am a Scout Leader in my spare time.
I really miss working in a supermarket.
I’ve written a dissertation about peat on Dartmoor.
Now you know a little bit more about Rory, why not find out some more about the rest of the team here
Box clever
Our secret weapon is our patented clam-shell design (which gives the Lockabox its strength) combined with tough polycarbonate, and the best British manufacturing that doesn’t use glue and is BPA safe.