Apr 29, 2022
Meet the Lockabox Team | Tess Preston

Financial Administrator
Joined the business in September 2021
Tess is our Financial Administrator here at Lockabox, her role is to oversee our finance department and manage all cash flow within the business. We’ve asked Tess to answer some questions about his role and personality to let you get to know him a little better!
What does a typical day look like for you?
I get up at 6 am most days, get my morning exercise done and then head over to the office. I’ll clear down my emails and get any urgent work finished first thing. The jobs I do vary depending on the day of the week, so being organised is mega important; some days it’s forecasting and cash flow, other days it’s paying our suppliers and staff! After work, I head to the rowing club to train for a couple of hours and then get home to cook dinner and chill out with a bit of TV.
The best part of your job?
Learning new things as we continue to expand – new markets, new products, new systems: they all create new challenges from an accounting perspective, so it keeps me on my toes.
The worst part of your job?
It’s hard to get a massive sense of achievement from a job like mine. Luckily, we are a close-knit team so when something or someone in the business does well, we all celebrate it together.
What do you use your lockabox for?
TV remotes, PlayStation controllers and phones all get locked away between 9 pm – 10 pm every evening. I get my evening routine done without any distractions – game changer.
Where do you hope to see lockabox in 3 years?
I’d love to be able to walk into a shop on the high street and find myself a Lockabox. Somewhere like Boots or WHSmith, but independent retailers would be cool too!
Now a bit about you…
What do you enjoy doing most outside of work?
I’m a rower, so I spend most of my time down on the river where I live in Dartmouth. If I’m not rowing, I’ll be paddle-boarding or swimming!
What’s your star sign? Which attribute is most true to you?
I’m an Aries – and it’s probably that I say exactly what is on my mind – no filter. Star signs are more Kates’s thing though!
One piece of advice you wish you could go back and tell yourself?
Try not to worry about the small things! Enjoy life for what it is.
What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?
Probably my dry robe (I get cold easily) and a guitar.. May as well learn something new whilst I’m there right?
If you could choose your last ever meal, three courses, what would it be?
Starter: Toast, paté and chutney
Main: A proper juicy burger with all the toppings
Dessert: Vanilla panna cotta
Drink: A spiced rum and coke to accompany, of course 🙂
What animal would you consider your spirit animal?
A wolf. My strength is in my pack.
Now you know a little bit more about Tess, why not find out some more about the rest of the team here https://lockabox.com/blog/the-latest-at-lockabox/
Box clever
Our secret weapon is our patented clam-shell design (which gives the Lockabox its strength) combined with tough polycarbonate, and the best British manufacturing that doesn’t use glue and is BPA safe.