Feb 7, 2022
Meet the Lockabox team | Louise Cater

Louise Cater
Operations Manager Joined the business in 2018
It’s time to get to know our Operations Manager, Louise Cater. She has been at Lockabox since 2018 and was part of the original trio who first started working with Peter Morris. Here’s what she had to say when we sat her down for a Q&A!
What does a typical day look like for you?
Every morning I start the long journey to work aka taking a few hundred steps to the office (haha!). The morning is usually spent checking my emails to make sure none of the boats have sunk and make sure productions are going to plan. Then it is time for lunch or a boxing session. To round off the afternoon I make sure to check on my team to see if they need any help and check stock levels globally. At the end of the day, it is time to go home and have a bit of dinner and play my current game of choice (Genshin Impact).
The best and worst part of your job?
The best part is all of the new and exciting things that can happen every day within both the business and the team.
The worst part would have to be the spreadsheets (haha), lucky for me Rory loves them!
Where do you hope to see Lockabox in 3 years?
I’d like to be a globally recognised brand and number 1 in the marketplace for lockable storage. I would also like the company to be recognised for the positive workplace culture that we’ve created and nurtured.
What’s the biggest lesson you have learnt since joining the business?
It’s okay to say “I don’t know”
What is your proudest achievement at Lockabox?
That’s really difficult, I’m really proud of the whole thing. If I had to choose it would be my work on expanding into international markets.
Who is your biggest inspiration?
Pink, because she is a badass boss lady! She has built everything she has and isn’t afraid to admit mistakes. She’s also a super cool mum in every sense of the word. Morally I really resonate with her.
What characteristics do you need for a job in Operations?
Problem-solving is the biggest one and being able to think on your feet. You can have the best-laid plans but things can (and usually do) happen unexpectedly which can mess everything up. It also helps to be personable so the people who can help you actually want to when the worst happens.
How has the business changed in the last 3 years?
It’s gone from me and Pete in his mum’s annexe to an international company turning over millions with a team of 8, it has been really exciting to see and quite hard to believe some days!
Do you have any quotes/ mantras you live by/resonate with?
I do genuinely think people should just be kind, it’s simple yet effective, what you put out is what you get back.
And that…other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.
Now a bit about you…
What do you enjoy doing most outside of work?
Eating food, well mostly Asian snack food. When we’re allowed I really like live music, the more bass the better!
If you could choose your last ever meal, three courses, what would it be?
Starter: Scallops pan-fried.
Main: Steak (medium rare) peppercorn sauce, dauphinoise potatoes and a massive medley of green vegetables
Pudding: Captain Cranch from Captain Flints in Salcombe as the sundae was named after dear ol’ dad, booze and ice cream is an absolute winner.
Drink: Rum anything.
What animal would you consider your spirit animal?
An ocelot, I relate hard to all felines but an Ocelot is the perfect blend of power, danger and beauty. They are also still daft enough to sit in a cardboard box should the opportunity arise!
What two items would you take with you if you were shipwrecked on a deserted island where all your food and water needs were taken care of?
Something to make music or play music like a wind-up radio, anything as long as the music comes out of it and rum.
Now you’ve gotten to know Louise, head to www.lockabox.com/blog/the-latest-at-lockabox/ to get to know the rest of the team!
Box clever
Our secret weapon is our patented clam-shell design (which gives the Lockabox its strength) combined with tough polycarbonate, and the best British manufacturing that doesn’t use glue and is BPA safe.