Jan 6, 2021
Engaging a Virtual Workforce with the Help From Our Desk Lockers

Working from home has become a reality we have all had to get used to. It requires adaptation from both employer and employees, especially those who have always had the dynamic environment of an office. For some it is nearly a year since they have last commuted to an office and working from home has slowly become the new ‘normal’. However, with restrictions confirmed to continue it is easy for a workforce to become disengaged and productivity levels to drop. It is important for companies to invest resources in engaging their digital workforce. In this blog we will tell you how our Lockabox can be used as a care package, desk locker or simply as desk storage and how this can help with engaging a virtual workforce.
So how can Lockabox help you to engage a virtual workforce?
Encouraging healthy work-life boundaries
Working from home can present employees with the difficulty of establishing work-life balance boundaries. Having a desk and all their work at home with unlimited access to their work laptop can often present a work overload and they may find it difficult to switch off. This can lead to unhappiness and exhaustion both of which decrease productivity at work. Our desk locker allows employees to put their equipment into a locked box which mentally signifies that the working day is over. This can help establish boundaries and create a more productive and engaged workforce. (Please note: Laptops and A4 files will not fit within the Lockabox One.). The Lockabox can be particularly handy as desk storage to employees who have little ones around whom they want to prevent getting hold of important equipment. Our desk lockers have a three digit combination lock which is perfect for deterring curious little ones!
Sending fun and thoughtful care packages
With lockdown 3.0 hitting, it seems unlikely employees will be returning to the office anytime soon. At this time, everyone is struggling and dealing with the pandemic and the effect it has on their lives in their own way. So why not send a fun and thoughtful care package to your employees to let them know you are thinking of them.
Our desk lockers are the perfect futuristic hamper making a care package easy to send as all the items can be secured within the Lockabox. Not only will the gifts inside be a treat, but the our desk storage can also bring the gift of peace of mind to your employees by protecting their snacks, limiting screen time, and even safe proofing their home. Treating your employees and letting them know they are recognised spurs creativity, increases engagement and is a great way to bring remote workers together. What are you waiting for? Bring some fun to your employees’ day with the help of Lockabox. Everyone needs a little TLC in this difficult time.
As a virtual meeting enlightener
Zoom burnout is a real and common issue with home working. Many employees report feeling overwhelmed by zoom meetings and often find themselves zoning out and missing important information. During meetings, employees need to be kept engaged. Here is where we can help keep your virtual workforce engaged. Why not send your employees a desk locker with a pre-inputted code, throughout the meeting or conference the employees must listen out to the clues regarding their code. Once they have all three clues they can open up the Lockabox to reveal their treat. A fun idea that can increase employees’ engagement and productivity.
To aid the onboarding process
Recruiting in a lockdown is undoubtedly difficult, with no face-to-face interviews, no learning by copying colleagues’ behaviour, and no team-building exercises. Establishing an onboarding process, all-be-it a virtual one remedies this problem.
To make this onboarding process more engaging and enjoyable why not put everything your recruits need in a Lockabox? By placing everything into a desk locker, delivery can be made much easier and you can rest assured that nothing will be missing. You could even play a fun game with recruits where each onboarding task gives a digit which then gives the code to our Lockabox One which the employee can put into their three-digit combination code.
To learn more or speak to one of our specialists regarding volume pricing please email us at [email protected] or visit our trade page Lockabox Trade Enquiries
Box clever
Our secret weapon is our patented clam-shell design (which gives the Lockabox its strength) combined with tough polycarbonate, and the best British manufacturing that doesn’t use glue and is BPA safe.